
First Smile!

Some history first about the below pictures.....My husband made me buy the bear....because it matched his hat...LOL!
and then he made me take the bear to church with Jeremy the next day even though he doesn't play with things yet....(I was vastly amused)

Now about the smile...The other night, I wasn't feeling well, and Jeremy and I were awake at 5am, so we went and sat in his room, and played...or rather I decided to find out what fit him...at 5am....
As he was laying there he started making cooing noises (at the wall) and I was pretty excited, as those were his first....and so I started talking to him...and we got the first real smile...
It was worth it even to be up at 5am!
Since then, he has smiled several times and to several people...
The other thing we have noticed he likes to do is touch Kendal's beard....He seems quite fascinated with it....

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