
The light goes on...

Since having Jeremy, we notice that there are sudden changes that happen with him. It is like he grows overnight for example. One day he is one size and by the next morning he has grown....
It is the same with his development. Kendal and I both swear that sometimes he gos to bed one night and wakes up the next morning having figured something out, and is a different guy then when he went to bed.....
Yesterday, when he woke up, it was as though he had learned how to grab everything in sight and wanted to touch everything. I brought him to the Health Unit for his shots, and he was ripping up and crinkling the paper he was laying on, and then he was grabbing for the measuring tape, and then all the toys on the counter....
Not that he couldn't pick things up the day before....but something was just different....
and then he gave me a for real hug...reached for Kendal when Kendal asked if he wanted to come to him....and was relating differently to Mercy Buckets when I was visiting Brenda....
I am so glad I can stay home with him and see all these new firsts....

By the way, the boy is now 14 lbs 2 oz...but he is still 10th percentile in growth....

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